Saturday, 25 September 2010

Ten Percent

So have you lost 10% of YOUR starting body weight yet? I've done it twice now and earned myself a very funky (not to mention handy!) keyring from my Leader too.

The health benefits are so rewarding, less risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, less risk of type 2 diabetes, less pressure on your joints and the list goes on and on, and you'll find that you have your OWN benefits too - not necessarily all of them health related.

A member in my meeting this morning gained her 10% this morning, a whopping 22lbs! She had "only" lost 1/2lb this week and seemed quite dejected, but when I reminded her what this meant she soon perked up and started smiling.

We talked in the meeting discussion about what 10% meant to everyone who had gained it so far. The member who had just received hers said she was already feeling less out of breath when she had to go places quickly, which made me think of when I used be rushing out and maybe I'd left something upstairs. When I was overweight, I would just leave it, because there was no way I could get it quickly without being in pain and out of breath from rushing. Then as I began to lose weight, I would get the thing I'd forgotten as I would be less out of breath, and as more weight came off I would find I could run up the stairs to get the thing! (Now I'm working on NOT forgetting things!!!)

Another member recalled on how 10% for her meant not having that big dam of water behind you in the bath. You know the one? When you've pulled the plug and you think all the water has drained away, but then you stand up and all the water that was stuck behind you is suddenly freed and comes swooshing down the bath. I recalled the other bath story, where you reach down to turn off the tap and then you scoot back and a tidal wave of water goes over the back of the bath!!! To both stories, there was a lot of nodding and laughing in agreement.

These are the things that make us laugh because we've nearly ALL been there, we've all had these experiences, and we all want to NOT have them again.

That is why I love WeightWatchers and the meetings. Because we are all in the same boat. And that boat is getting lighter all the time! ;-)

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